There is a strong correlation between the female reproductive health and ageing. We all must have that the female biological clock is ticking. But why is that so? For females, the capacity to conceive is indirectly proportional to our age. The older you become the lower your chances to get pregnant. From the scientific point of view, the quality of the ovarian follicles declines rapidly with age.
With the current environmental stressors and other factors, the rate of infertility has only increased. So what is the solution for it? How can one stop the biological clock and conceive at one’s choice? The answer lies in the lap of longevity science.
Of the many longevity supplements, NMN has garnered much attention from the scientists, for its potential to enhance the female reproductive health, primarily, fertility. Several findings suggest that NMN could be useful in potentially delaying as well as reversing menopause. It also has significant prospects as a non-invasive reproductive therapy. Continue reading ahead to find out more about it.
A female’s reproductive ability is characterised by their cyclical activities. This can be determined by the formation and maturation of the most dominant oocyte.
Ovarian follicles are small fluid-filled sacs that emit hormones. These follicles impact our menstrual cycle phases and possess the ability to discharge an egg (ovum) for fertilisation.
Human ovaries generally create one dominant follicle, which leads to a single ovulation every menstrual cycle. Before releasing an ovum, these reproductive structures go through multiple distinct stages. The stages begin with a store of dormant primary follicles established at an early age and end with either implantation or demise.
Multiple follicles form inside the ovaries throughout every menstrual period. Every follicle carries one embryo, but only one follicle develops further. Following that, this follicle delivers one egg (ovulation), as well as the shattered follicle heals and produces a corpus luteum. If the egg is poorly fertilised, the corpus luteum deteriorates, and then a fresh monthly cycle starts, dependent on the ovarian stage.
Menopause marks the end of the menstrual cycle. It typically occurs between the ages of 45 and 55 but can occur earlier or later, depending on one's lifestyle. During menopause, a woman's body gradually stops producing eggs, and the levels of the hormones oestrogen and progesterone decrease. This can cause a range of physical and emotional symptoms, such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and vaginal dryness.
Menopause can also increase the risk of certain health conditions, such as osteoporosis and heart disease. although a natural process, the occurrence of menopause earlier than expected is an alarming situation. There are treatments available to manage symptoms and reduce health risks associated with menopause, the best one's being NMN supplementation.
What are the three types of menopause?
- Peri-menopause is typically the period just before menopause. It is a period in which hormonal levels begin to fall. This causes menstrual periods to become chaotic and unpredictable. One may begin to experience menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes or vaginal dryness. Women could also experience shifts in their regular cycles. This phenomenon is referred to as the menopausal changeover
- Menopause happens when a female has finished generating the hormones that produce her monthly cycle and have gone 12 months without menstruation.
- Post-menopause is the period that follows menopause. Females will be in this stage for their remaining life once this occurs. Postmenopausal women are more likely to have health problems such as osteoporosis and heart disease.
What happens when menopause hits?

The production of oestrogen and progesterone - two hormones produced by the ovaries - undergoes significant changes during perimenopause, with the menopausal shift impacting each woman differently and uniquely. By the time women reach menopause, their ovaries produce less oestrogen and progesterone, and some individuals are continually affected by low hormone production. This can lead to changes in energy utilisation, alterations in fat deposits, and increased susceptibility to weight gain. Changes in bone and cardiovascular health, appearance, structure, or physical performance may also occur.
Nicotinamide Adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is a natural bimolecular nutrient found in all living things. It plays a vital role in optimising cellular function, which slows down the ageing process. NMN is a direct precursor of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), making it essential for raising NAD+ levels in the body. NAD+ is a crucial coenzyme for the healthy operation of cells, which also includes the female reproductive system .
What does NMN do for our system?
- Promoting mitochondrial effectiveness: Mitochondria are energy-generating powerhouses found within our cells, and reduced metabolisms can render this system ineffective, leading to consequences such as weight gain. NAD+ promotes proper mitochondrial activity.
- Weight management: NMN has shown benefits in the context of calorie restriction by switching cells from a proliferative to a restorative state. However, it is important to recognize that obesity is a complex issue driven by a range of other variables such as environment, lifestyle, and diet.
- Heart health: Our heart never stops or slows down, but it requires a significant amount of energy, which is dependent on NAD+.
- Repairing genetic elements: NAD+ is crucial in preserving the integrity of our DNA. When cells divide, the DNA at the ends of our chromosomes begins to shrink (termed telomeres), leading to genetic mutations. Sirtuins, which are heavily reliable on NAD+ help to reduce these cycles by safeguarding our telomeres.
- Improving muscular endurance: As people age, their muscles lose bulk and power. Maintaining high NAD+ concentrations through frequent NMN supplementation may decrease age-related muscle deterioration.
How is NMN effective in menopause?
Long-term oral NMN therapy has been found to provide anti-ageing benefits on the ovaries, according to an experiment conducted by researchers at Jiangsu University in China. The 20-week treatment of NMN therapy (0.5 mg/mL/day) showed several positive results, including the alleviation of mid-aged ovary ageing, conservation of the ovarian reserve of eggs, improvement in the shape of the ovaries, and a decrease in senescence in mid-aged mice.
Ovarian ageing is characterized by the cessation of cell reproduction, limiting the number of eggs (ovum) and the timeframe for fertilization. Recent studies have shown that elevated p16 levels are an indication of ovarian age, and NMN has been found to reduce this senescence indicator in middle-aged mice. P16 protein decreases the division of cells and multiplication throughout the ageing process, and at 60 weeks of the clinical trial, a significant concentration of p16 was found in ovarian follicles.
However, NMN has been found to reduce p16 levels in mouse ovaries, which indicates that it prevents ovarian tissue senescence and preserves it throughout the ageing process. Therefore, the experiment conducted by Jiangsu University confirms that long-term NMN therapy provides anti-ageing benefits on the ovaries.
In conclusion,
Long-term NMN treatment has been shown to have anti-aging effects on the ovaries by upregulating crucial biological processes. Clinical trials have demonstrated that NMN therapy improves ovarian senescence by improving mitochondrial activity and the recycling of cellular damage. Additionally, NMN treatment promotes autophagy, restores protein balance, and enhances the antioxidant capability of follicles in mid-aged mice.
DecodeAge sources NMN from UTHEVER, a company that guarantees the highest quality in the industry. Intertek, the world's leading testing and certification agency, has certified UTHEVER, and human clinical testing using their product has demonstrated the highest absorption efficiency and purity of 99% or more. The FDA has also authorized NMN for use.
NMN raises NAD+ levels in the body, an active coenzyme that participates in over 500 activities in every cell. As we age, our body's NAD+ levels decrease, but NMN can help reduce age-related weight gain, boost energy metabolism, and physical activity.
DecodeAge recommends NMN supplementation with three different dosages (250 mg, 500 mg, and 1000 mg) to enhance NAD+ concentrations, reduce exhaustion and fatigue, improve muscle endurance and stamina, increase oxygen and nutrient availability to our cells and tissues, and improve DNA repair.
To achieve the best results, the optimal time to take NMN is in the morning, after the first meal for young individuals, and at midday for the elderly. DecodeAge ensures the high purity of raw materials and conducts heavy metal testing to ensure that their products are safe for consumption.
Read more at:
- Huang P, Zhou Y, Tang W, Ren C, Jiang A, Wang X, Qian X, Zhou Z, Gong A. Long-term treatment of Nicotinamide mononucleotide improved Age-related Diminished Ovary Reserve by enhancing the mitophagy level of granuloas cells in mice. J Nutr Biochem. 2021 Nov 18:108911. Available at:
- Decode age: India's 1st Longevity Research Company [Internet]. DecodeAge. [cited 2022Nov21]. Available
- NMN UTHEVER 1000 - the world's best and purest NMN supplement to boost NAD+ [Internet]. DecodeAge. [cited 2022Nov21]. Available from: