While human life expectancy has grown over time, so has the prevalence of chronic diseases. Let's face it: our generation is more likely than previous generations to acquire heart disease, visual issues, or arthritis at a far earlier age.
This indicates that many lifestyle changes have occurred since our grandmother's time that may not be in our favor and maybe raise our health risks. Our nutrition, for example, is very different from what our grandmothers would have eaten or suggested.
The prosperity of the working population, changing lifestyles, and the lowering cost of sick care in terms of time and money required are some of the factors that are now pushing people to consider their well-being.
Diet, sleep, and self-mastery, according to experts, are the three pillars of life that constitute the basis on which you may construct excellent health and achieve longevity. Your food is crucial in maintaining a balance of energy throughout your body.
Eating the correct foods provides us with positive energy, aids in weight management, enhances our physiological processes, and promotes general well-being
Given the current situation, where obesity and juvenile diabetes are major worldwide health issues, it would be extremely beneficial to reconsider how we spend our lives and return to the basics.
To achieve such optimal physical and mental health, your body needs high-quality nourishment. Food is the primary source of nutritional needs.
Traditional medicine has gained popularity across the world. Efforts are being made to monitor and regulate traditional herbal medicine.
Ayurveda, or traditional Indian medicine, is one of the most ancient yet existing traditions. The following is a list of Ayurvedic alternatives for a long and healthy life:
1. Amla, also known as Indian Gooseberry, is a popular Ayurvedic herb.
This aids in the maintenance of a perfect balance between the three doshas or bodily kinds - vatta, pitta, and kapha. It is high in Vitamin C, which is believed to help your body's defensive systems against illnesses and infections. It is said to be a potent antioxidant that increases lifespan and slows ageing.
2. Ginger
Ginger contains close to 25 distinct antioxidants. Antioxidants combat disease-causing free radicals in the body and protect against a variety of degenerative illnesses including heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and many more.
3. Cardamon
Drinking cardamom tea is said to be the key to longevity in Chinese culture. Cardamom tea aids in the removal of toxins and maintains your internal systems clean. It is high in essential oils, promotes digestion, regulates blood sugar levels, increases blood circulation, and so maintains vitality and energy levels.
Today, approximately half of all individuals have at least one chronic illness. Furthermore, stress, which is directly related to nutrition and lifestyle, is a role in the six top causes of death: cancer, coronary heart disease, accidental accidents, respiratory illnesses, cirrhosis of the liver, and suicide.
Indian sages realized that the mind was drawn to items that cause imbalance, such as sweets and intoxicants, so they devised a system to promote balance and, when sickness was curable, to battle disease.
An Ayurvedic practice has simplified alternatives designed by these sages that could be adopted into your life to promote lifespan.