Three risk factors in your 50s that could greatly influence longevity – assess risk

Three risk factors in your 50s that could greatly influence longevity – assess risk

      Two of the best strategies to lengthen life are a healthy diet and frequent exercise. The body gets the energy it needs to move from foods high in vitamins and minerals, and exercise makes it possible for that food to be utilised as efficiently as possible.

      While both of these can be greatly regulated, other aspects cannot be, and these are the ones that can significantly affect lifespan.

      People over the age of 65 make up a sizable and rising portion of the population. As people age, their chance of falling and resulting injuries increases.

      The first sign of an undiagnosed sickness might be a fall. Because falls cause significant mortality, morbidity, and suffering for elderly persons and their families, as well as social expenditures from hospital and nursing facility admissions, it is crucial to avoid them.

      Out of all the well known factors known to derail human longevity the three most important factors are: Exercise, Smoking and Gender.

      1. Exercise

      Keeping active may benefit your health in a variety of ways.

      Exercise and physical activity can reduce your risk of developing high blood pressure, high cholesterol, coronary artery disease, and strokes, according to research.

      The most prevalent form of dementia, Alzheimer's disease, can be prevented in part by regular exercise. According to the Alzheimer's Society, regular exercise can cut your risk of developing Alzheimer's dementia by 45%.

      Exercise boosts the quantity of immune cells that are available to assist your body fight off sickness, which benefits your immune system. Researchers have shown that older people who engage in more physical exercise have functional immunological defence systems.

      2. Smoking

      Smoking continues to be the leading cause of avoidable mortality worldwide despite decades of public health warnings. Numerous hazardous substances included in tobacco products increase your risk of contracting potentially deadly diseases.

      The life expectancy of smokers is lower than that of non-smokers. If you give up, you can live longer; the sooner you do it, the more years you might be able to reclaim.

      3. Gender

      Women live longer than males across the world. Yes it’s true.

      But this wasn't always the case. According to the data from wealthy nations, women did not live longer than males in the 19th century.

      Then why do women currently live longer than males, and why has this benefit grown over time? Despite the little data, we do know that biological, behavioural, and environmental variables all have a role in women living longer than males.


      Start practising them in real life!

      For senior citizens, doctors, and society as a whole, healthy ageing is a key objective. Finding potentially changeable elements that increase the likelihood of healthy ageing may lengthen and improve the quality of life while lowering healthcare expenses.

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